And then there's us, there's me. What will people stay up late at night to watch that I can do? How can I reflect my work and affect a change so great that it lights up the night sky? I need to make a change, I am often too afraid to make the leap. But it takes a leap to make the gap from nothing to something. You've got to be in the air, falling, hoping that you land on solid ground to have anything at all. Otherwise, you're left without exploration, without chances taken, without a life lived. This life is short, and I am too often silent. My mind screams and my mouth is sealed shut.
The sun does not run from what it was made to do. It shines brightly day and night; all know and feel its presence. It's about time I started doing what I was made to do, or at least trying to find out what that is. I know it is not sitting in silence; it's about time I picked myself up started to take action. So I ask you readers, keep me accountable, make me leap; and maybe I can give you my own lunar eclipse.
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