Sunday, November 28, 2010

Moral Code

It's been nearly a month since my last post (sorry about that one). You've heard all the excuses...writing papers, job search, blah blah I won't bore you with them. I've recently been thinking about the lengths people are willing to go to get something they want. I want to mention an article that I came across in The Chronicle Review.

So, this article in the Chronicle Review is written by an unnamed writer who has been making a living off of students. He claims to make over 60,000 dollars a year writing the very papers that I slave over weekly. That's right, there are services out there that will write your paper for you, so that you don't even need to be a literate member of society to get a college degree, or post-college degree for that matter. Churning out 70-80 pages a day, this guy has written innumerable undergraduate papers and theses; he's also written 12, that's right--12, dissertations for various fields of study. And these kids get away with it. The Shadow Scholar he calls himself, writing for whomever should be in need, the Robin Hood of students it would seem. But what is this doing for our society? This is not stealing from the rich to give to the poor, it is not giving means to those who would otherwise not have them. No, this is reinforcing what is so wrong now. Helping the rich, the lazy, the less deserving have their chance at graduation and at succeeding where other hard workers have failed. This Shadow Scholar blames the school system for the wrong-doings of students. But who are we to tell others to fix the problem when we are so integrally part of it. Action must be taken on an individual level. So I cry out to you Shadow Scholar, not to write my papers or get me my A's, instead I call for action on your own part; stand against this tyranny you comment on and let students actually earn their way.

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