Wednesday, July 14, 2010

20 things in 20 years

As my 21st birthday approaches I've been considering how much (or little) I've learned since I've been on this earth. Finding that I had at least a few remarks to make I thought I would impart my wisdom to future generations of 20 year olds as well as remind the middle aged reader that those mid-life crises are totally worth it, cause these first 20 years rock! Now before you get ahead of yourself, I have managed to learn more than 20 things in my life. Some things didn't make the list, like soccer is better than baseball no matter what any American might say. Or, that simple math might be the only mathematical studying that's actually useful, and other such gems. But, I think I've managed to find 20 things worth reading if not even considering. So here it goes...

1. Bankrupt yourself traveling, it's worth it
2. It's impossible to mess up your life permanently
3. Gunslingers and hippies both have something to say, so listen, you're your own version of an extremist in some way
4. Listen to your parents until you can prove they are wrong
5. Do what you love...always
6. Plans aren't necessary
7. Apple products are the closest mankind will get to perfection and Pixar is the closest we will get to a perfect story
8. Accidents are the best career starters I've ever encountered
9. It's much harder to hurt yourself than your paranoid parents tell you
10. Learning courtesy was one of the most helpful things in my life (even though my 8 year old self still hates the thought of sharing my things)
11. Daydreaming is an important part of our school system's education
12. Ask questions more than you ever thought necessary
13. Children of the technology age, don't forget to read...I would suggest even holding an actual book (with real page turning action!)
14. Once you've reached a certain age it's ok to talk to strangers
15. Face your fears, if you are not freed from them, at least you learn courage in the process
16. Only perfect love never ends
17. Find an adventure every day
18. Don't leave your morals and beliefs, but never let your morals and beliefs stop you from engaging with anyone
19. Time and sweat are the currency of competition, determination is the key to these riches
20. Know what drives you and never compromise it


  1. Hey Tyler, I'm sure you won't know who this is right away--your cousin Bill's wife Jen, Uncle Don and Aunt Marilyn's daughter-in-law. Anyway, your Pop-Pop (and other adoring members of your family) have recommended your blog to me several times, particularly this post. Good stuff, not that my opinion matters a whit, but still. You've figured out a lot of stuff by 20 that I didn't get til, oh 35 or so. Or even still figuring it out at almost 38, so you're on a good path! It sounds like you're having a great summer interning up north...hope your senior year is a good one too. I look forward to reading more posts from what sounds like an aspiring writer. If you ever have time to kill, I was blogging for a while at You'll notice my last post is a diatribe against blogging altogether but I've been itching to write again and ignore my previous convictions which were inspired by a particularly low point in my life. But if you ever care to read it, there it is. Anyway, take care--enjoy the rest of your summer and make the most of this last year of school! Sorry we missed you at the 4th of July, it was good to see your parents and sisters.
    Jennifer Hamilton

  2. Like I said before I will definitely take these gems to heart and try to put them into pratice. My favorite post thus far.
    -- a 20yr old
